- depression and anxiety
- alcohol and other substance abuse
- eating disorders, obesity and bariatric counseling
- stress and change management
- coping with chronic illness
- improving self esteem and self image
Relationship counseling:
- improving communications & intimacy
- divorce and separation adjustment
- parenting challenges
- premarital counseling
coaching for culture change
shadowing and on-site consultation
finding lifebalance
- creating respectful and drug-free
environments -
critical incident debriefing (crises counseling)
Individual psychotherapy. Fees begin at $130 per session. Longer sessions are prorated from this basic fee. The same fee applies for other professional services you may require, such as reading or writing reports or off-site travel and meeting attendance.
Group therapy. Group rates vary. Please contact us to discuss your appropriateness for a group session and cost.
Litigation. If you become involved in litigation that requires our participation, we will charge $250 per hour for preparation, travel and attendance at any legal proceeding.
Payment is made at the time services are rendered unless we’ve made other arrangements. If you plan to file a claim with your insurance company, first check with your psychotherapist and then with your insurance carrier regarding coverage and payment issues..
We accept cash, check or credit card payment at the time of service. You may also pay on-line via credit card or PayPal.
A cancelled appointment delays our work. When you must cancel, please give at least 24 hours notice. We are not able to fill a cancelled session with less than 24 hours notice. If you are unable to provide at least 24 hours notice when you cancel, you will be charged the full fee for your session. Note that your insurance company will not reimburse for missed appointments. We will consider exceptions to this policy in the event of serious or contagious illness or emergency.